Monday, January 17, 2011


Change is what has not been happening to this blog lately! Nonetheless, I return to the blogosphere to produce yet another poorly written article that my wife might read. The essential aim is to yet again return to do something that is deemed by many as a worthwhile activity. So, I ask, is blogging a useful pursuit? If you are reading this, and you are not my wife, then you might be inclined to say yes. Then again, after reading this little waste of time you might change your mind.

Blogging can be a most excellent place for many to enter the market place of ideas, thus gaining insight into current cultural trends. It can also be a forum for quick and easy exchange of ideas, thus increasing the rate of learning across normal geographic and cultural boundaries. The blogosphere must be a place to put worthwhile words into the world that will have a ripple effect well beyond the boundaries of influence that one person might imagine. Then again, words written might fall into the pile of refuse that so commonly flows through the channels of cyberspace.

Blogging can be a most heinous place for slander, cowardice, and gossip well past what any can foresee. Once a piece of writing is placed on the web it goes to places and is seen by people one might never know or meet. One article can be read, reproduced, and copied by numerous people and used to fit their purposes. Negatively speaking, poorly produced material and quickly posted items may accomplish disastrous results that the author never intended. In other words placing written material out there for all to view could damage the one who reads the writing or even the one who is writing. In former times, a writer was subject to great rigors before an article or book was published, but not in the world of blogging. Personally, I have all too often written something and posted it without having it edited more than once, which is dangerous, as the writing should be carefully produced. Or, like many works on the internet, the labor could go unnoticed keeping the author unscathed by his or her work.

Even so, both positively and negatively, I have been encouraged over the past few months to be very cautious as I place my written material out into the world wide web. Nonetheless, with such words of caution, I return to writing by the encouragement of others. Potentially blogging could be an excellent tool for impacting many with the truth of the gospel. It could also be a great device for learning and conversing in ways that an individual might not otherwise have.

By God's grace more blogs will follow with an effort to improve the quality of the content, the quantity of what is produced, and the usefulness of the material.

Solus Christus

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