Saturday, February 12, 2011

Gospel Attitude

What is a gospel attitude? It is the attitude that followers of Jesus Christ must carry as they traverse life. Although gospel attitude could simply mean an attitude about the gospel, I would like to define it more particularly.

A Gospel Attitude is the intellectual position, which has feelings arising from reconciliation with God, as a result of faith in His Son, assumed for the purpose of living by faith.

A Gospel Attitude is the knowledge that bears a response regarding the mercies of God, held for the specific purpose of being a living sacrifice.

A Gospel Attitude is the mental position, which bears emotions reckoning the righteousness and love of God, in order that love will be genuine.

A Gospel Attitude is the cognitive understanding that is characterized by an emotive response, because of the gospel of God, assumed for the specific purpose of glorifying God.

Each definition has the same components; thinking, feelings, and acting. Each component illustrates how humans are made in the image of God, as people are intellectual, emotional, and volitional creatures. Objections might be raised at many points, specifically regarding the nature of the emotions in response to the truths of the gospel. What is not being advocated is the necessity of running around waving the Jesus flag, while speaking in tongues, in a great outburst of emotions. What is being upheld is the biblical truth that the whole of a person must be affected by the gospel, even if an emotive response is nothing more than a settled and quiet joy in Jesus, thus propelling obedience. 

Why be more particular? Why use such a phrase? What is the motivation for this effort? Well, as I study and preach through the book of Romans, it has become more evident that those who are born again Christians must have a particular mindset with which they operate in the world. This distinct mindset is to encompass the whole of the Christian intellectually, emotionally, and volitionally. Defining the phrase 'gospel attitude' in a clear manner is necessary, as the definition seems to encompass the truth of founding moral and ethical injunctions upon the truth statements of the gospel. In essence, the imperative is grounded upon the indicative.

Nothing novel. Nothing new. Call it a Christian worldview. However, the broad sweep of a phrase like 'Christian worldview,' can fail in expressing the particular all-encompassing mindset centered upon the gospel that believers must possess. Christian worldview can mean anything from a politically conservative mental framework to a worldview that is developed biblically, and everything in between.

Gospel attitude, on the other hand, is a less broad way of thinking, which is not simply ideological thinking; rather, it is a whole life-saturated pattern of biblical thinking, feeling, and acting. Gospel attitude, in many ways, is synonymous with biblical worldview or Christian worldview, yet it seems to press the heart of the individual more fully.

The commands of Scripture for a definite attitude determined off of the gospel is very evident, particularly as I study the later chapters of Romans. Following a set of rules, commands, and ethical injunctions with heartless and legalistic zeal is pointless; rather, a heartfelt attitude of obedience in godliness is of great value.

Defining attitude at this point will be helpful--An attitude is a settled way of thinking and feeling about someone or something, and is typically reflexive of that person’s behavior. The impossibility of changing an attitude is equal to the impossibility of changing the human heart apart from the divine work of regeneration and sanctification. God desires for us is a gospel attitude. A gospel attitude is the settled way of thinking and feeling about the gospel of God that must be reflexive of a Christian's behavior. An attitude founded upon anything else will end in eternal hell fire.

Thinking and feeling in a Christian's life ushers from the regenerative work of the Spirit of God. Due to the gospel, Christians must mature in an attitude that is characteristic of the gospel. Those who have faith in Jesus Christ are to have a gospel attitude! Not an attitude about the gospel of God, but one that is powered and fueled by the truths of the good news of Jesus Christ dying for His bride.

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