Monday, March 14, 2011

Care and Concern for The Precious Few

This week marks the fourth year that I have served as a pastor in Southern Indiana. I have had many new experiences as a pastor; some good and some not so good. In spite of myself, I am learning and growing in grace by the sovereign might of my Savior and Lord. As a pastor, my care for the precious few has not been perfect, yet I have grown to love the people.  As my vision for the glory of Christ increases, I am growing in affection for them.

Over the last four years, I have developed a major concern with the abundance of nominal religious affiliation, which characterizes the community I live in. Many claim to know God and worship him, but their life is only different from the world because of religious activities, rather than genuine religious affections. Numerous people claim to know Jesus Christ, yet they do not follow Him. This lament seems all too common in the pervasive culture, yet it rings true when the pulse is taken in regard to genuine Christianity.

Seeking to understand who is genuinely following Christ and deciding the nature of an individual's Christian faith is a sticky business. Being a judge with evil thoughts comes all too easy. Not everyone who has a weekly religious experiences can be rightly considered a genuine believe. Church attendance does not makes a Christian nor does calling oneself a Christian.  For most Christians, this issue bears little concern, as they simply want to let love be genuine while hoping all things, or so goes the refrain. In reality, it is just simpler to not get involved.

If a person claims to be in Christ, it is important take their word for it. Right? Is it anyone's concern if someone is or is not a genuine follower of Jesus? Isn't this a personal matter to be left alone for the person and God to decide?

Yes and No is the answer to the afore mentioned questions. Why? How can it be both yes and no? It needs to be affirmed that a person does need to decide to follow Christ. However, in our highly individualized society the truth must also be affirmed that the decision to follow Christ is accompanied with actually following Him and doing so in the body of Christ. Being united to Christ by faith not only unites one to Christ, but also to His body, the church. So, as a member of a new covenant community by faith in Jesus, a believer must pursue covenant commitments in Christ with His church.

As a shepherd I have great concern for those who have been placed in my charge. The concern is that they actually know Jesus and not merely possess some information about Him. Shepherds, teachers, and church leaders will give account for the souls they shepherd, which is monumentally important in discerning the genuineness of heart in a professing convert. This concern is not only for those in the flock, but also those in the community.

Scripture is not silent about knowing if people have been genuinely converted. The apostle Paul proclaims in Romans 6:17-18 his thanks to God for people becoming obedient from the heart to the standard of teaching to which they were committed. He teaches that by faith in Jesus believers have been set free from sin and become slaves of God. In 1 Thessalonians 1:4, 5, the author states that he knows the professors of Christ in Thessalonica are genuine; he goes so far as to actually state that they are loved of God and chosen by Him. Colossians 1:28, 29 further notes a shepherd should be proclaiming, warning, and teaching with all wisdom, so that they (the flock) might be presented mature in Christ. This passage carries the implication of one seeking to understand who is genuine amongst those who profess faith in Christ.

Thus, as an overseer of souls, it is of the greatest significance that I patiently proclaim, warn, and teach with wisdom, so that everyone may be found mature in Christ, on the day of the Lord. It becomes clear in a few short verses that discerning the genuineness of faith is not for judgment, but for the guidance of a person in their walk of life that they might be found as obedient slaves of Jesus Christ.


margy said...

Brian, remembering our early morning work outs and how you would share, well, you are truly amazing and your heart for Jesus is so strong. Keep up God's work and tell Betsy hi! Margy

Brian Johnson said...

Thank you for the encouragement Margy. I will definitely tell my lovely bride you said hello.

God Bless!